Friday, September 3, 2010

The Tenn. mosque arson

Brothers and sisters, the end times have begun and now is when the true test of our faith and belief in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ will come into play. We all have been put on this earth and given a choice of free will or to do God's will. We have been given hurdles to overcome and this is where the real test comes into play. Will we fall into temptation of hatred? Will we lash out in rage? Will we want to murder? I know in my bible it tells me the evil shall slay the wicked. I know it tells me to love my neighbor and thats a tough one even for me. I fail miserably at it often enough. But I know if we have Christ in our life, we will be protected. Let us make not the mistake of hating the people, but hate the sin that they may do. Our country as I have observed it and along with the people in it, all of us have fallen short of doing God's will. We blame others and our government, but yet we still try to live by the worldly ways and worship our idols of material possessions, money, gaming, gambling, pornography, toys(such as boats, houses, cars, motorcycles). The bible says, we can't serve 2 masters. Shouldn't we be examining ourself and be looking at how hypocritical we have become. Let us not Judge others or we too shall be judged and found guilty. I'm not perfect at the process of this, but I do strive to make that effort. The Lord and his angels rejoice when we do the best we can when we live by those principles that he set forth. The peace from the world and all of it's sinful ways are a welcome blessing and a great relief, better than anything this world has to offer by far. I say this because I spent 35 years of my life devoted to drinking and using and obsessing over material items. Hating the government, judging people, vengeful and just downright mean, nasty and ornry! Today I have peace and I can pray for others. I can lend a hand when needed. I'm not the same person I once was. The Lord changed my life and I accepted. You see we are being judged and these next 10-12 years for the world are not going to get any better. Change begins when God calls and we say "Yes Lord"


Minister Dave

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